a collection of literature from poets, bards, songwriters, and skalds in the SCA


byram's picture
Tue, 05/28/2019 - 23:06 -- byram

Pray take heed Atlantia and hear now my song,
Pray listen to what I do say.
For Black Kane is our King, and Muirgen his Queen,
But we have brand new monarchs this day.

These noble young monarchs have gathered today.
They've come from lands far and away,
To dream about dragons and castles and knights,
And be royalty for a day.

Oh, Make a wish for soon must we part
To dream our dream once again.
Oh, you have captured our souls and our hearts,
Remember us always sweet friends.

Come all you fine ladies and open your hearts,
First lead by Sweet Muirgen our Queen.
For lovely young princesses grace now our halls
Oh lift up your voices to sing.

Take heed all you knights with your feality chains
First lead by good Sir Kane our King,
And praise now these princes upon bended knee
Sout gladly and make the walls ring!


As warriors love battle and dragons love gold
And knights love their fair ladies,
So know that your Highnesses also are loved,
We cherish your hopes and your dreams.

For children have wishes and dreams that abound
More precious than silver and gold.
So hold fast your wishes and let all your dreams
Be bright and bonnie and bold.

Chorus x2

Documentation / Explanation (Razo): 

The first Make-A-Wish Tourney happened many years ago duriing the reign of Kane and Muirgen, and was a highlight of Their reign. This piece was a commission from Them, written for those 19 or so children (and their parents) who got to be royalty for a day at the event.